Proposal 8: [TRIALS] Score card: Easy 1 point, Medium 3 points, Hard 7 points [ Revision 2 ]

Committee: Trials and Jumps
Submitted on 2016-11-23
Status: Passed on December 14, 2016


Current rules are, each line are worth 1 point, easy line, medium line, expert line, all worth 1 point each.

I have discussed this with some riders already, and I think it would be a better idea if the easy lines were not worth as much as a hard line. For example easy line 1, medium 2, expert 3, or easy 1, medium 3, expert 5.


While the current system allows for a very easy counting of the score cards, it also disadvantages riders what got harder lines, and that's unfair.


Old: Each section is worth one point, and the objective is to score points by successfully riding (“cleaning”) as many sections as possible within the specified time period.


New: The course is divided in different sections, easy, medium and hard lines. Easy lines are worth 1 point, Medium lines are worth 3 points and Hard lines are worth 7 points. The goal is to clear successfully as many line as possible in the time frame specified.


It's unfair that a rider that did 5 easy lines gets a better score than a rider who did 4 medium or 4 hard lines. Let's make it better.


Example of scorecard:


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Change Log:

Revision 2 changed by Emile Mathieu (23 Nov 09:56)

Better formatting.

Revision 1 changed by Emile Mathieu (23 Nov 09:55)

Votes on this proposal:

7 out of 14 voting members have voted.

Agree: 6, Disagree: 0, Abstain: 1.

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