Proposal 7: [FLAT] Number of last trick attempts in QUALIFICATION (2 vs 3) [ Revision 1 ]

Committee: Flat & Street
Submitted on 2016-11-23
Status: Passed on December 09, 2016


For preliminary round, the rules currently state "After the time has ended, the rider has 3 attemps [attempts*] to perform a last trick."

I'm pretty sure we've been using 2 attempts only as far as I can remember as it saves time and only you need to be really consistant in your qualification run.


Old: "After the time has ended, the rider has 3 attemps [attempts*] to perform a last trick."

New: "
After the time has ended, the rider has 2 attempts to perform a last trick."


Everything has been said.



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Votes on this proposal:

6 out of 10 voting members have voted.

Agree: 6, Disagree: 0, Abstain: 0.

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