Proposal 28: [FLAT] Now scoring system [ Revision 1 ]

Committee: Flat & Street
Submitted on 2016-12-16
Status: Passed on December 27, 2016



The current system of poins for Flatland is

Difficulty /30
Consistency & Flow / 30
Variety / 30
Last trick /9
Total /99

There are a few issues I would like to fix.


Consistency is a mathematical fraction of # of trick landed on # of tricks attempted while flow is pretty much your style and how clean you are (so.. also style). Mixing those two categories together makes no sens to me as consistency purely objective and style is mostly subjective.


We always have a hard time finding competent judges, let alone find enough judges at all. Having judges for many years using this system, I find it pretty hard to give a score on 30 in each category. I've been finding myself giving score on /10 and multiplying by 3 on most occasions, as it is easier mentally to give a score out of 10, rather than 30. I know my feelings are shared among other people of have judged.


Current last trick is worth roughly 9% of the rider score. After years of repeated reminders that it's worth less than 10% of the score and more of a tie breaker, the rider seem not to fully understand this concept. I think increasing the value of a last trick by a little bit would help somehow. The current last trick is noted on 9 points, giving a score out of 9 points also is a unintuitive way.




10C.4 Flatland Judging and Scoring

10C.4.1 Judging Criteria

Preliminary rounds and battles are judged using the following criteria: Difficulty, consistency, variety, and last trick contribute to the total score. Scoring: A total of 99 points is possible. Higher numbers are better scores. The judges will add up all scores for each competitor and rank then accordingly. Rankings from individual judges are averaged to determine overall ranking. The points are allocated as following:


(Score of 1-30 is given:)

High scores are awarded to competitors who perform a wide range of tricks and combos. Lots of repeated tricks or similar tricks will receive low scores.


(Score of 1-30 is given:)

Fewer falls relative to number of landed skills results in higher score. Higher points are rewarded to skills completed smoothly with minimal corrective hops or drastic movements to regain balance.


(Score of 1-30 is given:)

High scores are given for technical, difficult tricks and combos, if they are completed successfully. If a rider completes part of a combo and then falls, they are awarded points for everything they did up until the fall.

Last Trick:

(Score of 0-9 is given:)

The last trick demonstrates how strong the rider is, physically and mentally, in the end. The rider will have 3 attempts to perform a final trick. Partial points may be given for a trick that is almost landed. Only the last attempt will be scored, other failed attempts do not subtract from the score. The rider is not obligated to try the same trick in every attempt.


10C.4 Flatland Judging and Scoring

10C.4.1 Judging Criteria
Preliminary rounds and battles are judged using the following criteria: 

  • Difficulty      (0 to 10 points)
    Score is given for technical difficulty of the tricks and combos landed during the battle/preliminary
  • Consistency (0 to 10 points)
    Score is given for number of landed trick/combos on total of number of tricks/combos attempted during the battle/preliminary
  • Variety        (0 to 10 points)
    Score is given for variation in the types of tricks done during the battle/preliminary
  • Flow           (0 to 5 points)
    Score is given for cleanliness and style of rider during the battle/preliminary

  • Last trick     (0 to 5 points)
    Score is given for technical difficulty, novelty, creativity, and flow.
    There are 2 attempts in preliminary. There are 3 attempts for each rider in battles. Rider will take turn attempting their last trick. The rider is not obligated to use all attempts or to try the same trick every attempt. Only the last attempt will be scored. Other failed attempts do not subtract from the score. The rider who started the battle starts the last trick.

    Guide on how to score points for last trick

    - 0 point: nothing landed / unworthy trick
    - 1 point: passable trick / almost landed great or insane trick
    - 2 point: okay trick / almost landed very insane trick
    - 3 points: good trick
    - 4 points: great trick
    - 5 points: insane trick

  • TOTAL (0 to 40 points)


10C.4.2a Preliminary round

At the end of every preliminary run, the judges add up a rider's score. Once all preliminary runs are over, the judges add up points for each rider and then rank the riders accordingly to their total number of points.

10C.4.2b Battle Advancement

Judges must determine a winner individually. The chief judge collects the results from each judge and then the winner is announced.



Difficulty /10
Consistency /10
Variety / 10
Style / 5
Last trick /5

Total /40

10 point categories
I think having score based on 10 points would simply the judges work as it's more intuitive. For people saying there will be more tie brakes, hold up. While it is pretty rare to see half points given on score out of 30, I believe judges will intuitively give half point when the score is out of 10 points, hence seeing 6.5, 7.5, 8.5 etc.


5 point categories
Style is one of the biggest thing that divides flatland and freestyle. I think it is important to disassociate consistency & style/flow as I mentioned above. Giving subjective point in an objective category was ridiculous to me. Now having a style/flow category being worth about 12% of the total rider's score.

With this in mind, it increases the value of the last trick by roughly 3%, passing from 9% to 12%. This percentage of the total score seems to match more the general idea of what a last trick seem to be valued in the mind of riders.

Last trick
Giving a score up to 9 made it pretty difficult. Having a score out of 5 points simplifies scoring a last trick. The rulebook could even include a guide on how to score a last trick as follow. Keep in mind that partial points are allowed for tricks that were almost landed.


Last trick
0 point: nothing landed / unworthy
1 point: passable trick / almost landed great or insane trick
2 point: okay trick / almost landed very insane trick
3 points: good trick
4 points: great trick
5 points: insane trick 





I believe this system would make judging easier and clearer. Let me know what you think about it.




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9 out of 10 voting members have voted.

Agree: 8, Disagree: 0, Abstain: 1.

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