Proposal 12: Trials Finals when there are few competitors [ Revision 1 ]

Committee: Trials and Jumps
Submitted on 2016-12-04
Status: Passed on December 30, 2016


In this rule it says that the minimum number of riders for a finals is 6. However, it never says anything about what happens if there are fewer than 6 competitors. For example, at NAUCC there are typically fewer than 6 females who compete in the advanced category. This year, there were only 3. And because there weren't enough for finals the females didn't have finals and so there was no North American Female Trials champion despite there being female competitors.


I would suggest amending the rule to have something like, "If there are fewer than six competitors in the highest level category, no final is necessary. The results from the prelims will be taken as the final results and the top rider will be declared the champion."


Old: not applicable

New: "If there are fewer than six competitors in the highest level category, no final is necessary. The results from the prelims will be taken as the final results and the top rider will be declared the champion."


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Votes on this proposal:

8 out of 14 voting members have voted.

Agree: 8, Disagree: 0, Abstain: 0.

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