This discussion has an associated proposal. View Proposal Details here.

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Hello, I propose we clarify the chief judge responsibilities.



10C.2 Chief Judge

The Chief Judge is the head flatland official, whose primary job is to make sure the

rules are followed. The Chief Judge oversees the competition, deals with protests, and

answers all rules and judging questions. The Chief Judge is responsible for seeing that

all judges are trained and ready. The Chief Judge is also responsible for the accuracy of

all judging point tabulations and calculations.

The Chief Judge will remember to consider language barriers, and that riders may be

engaged in convention work to slow them down. A rider may not perform before a

different set of judges than those that judged the rest of their age group.

An interruption of judging can result from material damage, injury or sudden illness of

a competitor, or interference with a competitor by a person or object. If this happens,

the Chief Judge determines the amount of time left and whether any damage may be

the fault of the competitor. Re-admittance into competition must happen within the

regulatory competition time. If a routine is continued and the competitor was not at

fault for the interruption, all devaluations coming forth from the interruption will be




10C.2 Chief Judge

The Chief Judge is the head Flatland official. They are responsible for selecting the judges, overseeing the competition, handling protests, ensuring the event rules are followed, running the judging workshop, answering questions about the rules and judging and tabulating the points after judging is completed.


An interruption of judging can result from material damage, injury of a competitor or interference with a competitors by a person or object. The Chief Judge determines if the rider is at fault. If they are not, re-admittance into competition must happen within the regulated competition time 


You removed this text:

"A rider may not perform before a different set of judges than those that judged the rest of their age group."

This is an important rule. (Although it should say category not age group for Flat.) Is this text available in another section?


Also removed:

"... If this happens, the Chief Judge determines the amount of time left"

Why is this removed?


I agree to Scott and also some more deleted stuff shouldnt be completely undefined. Is all that written at another place?

A rule must explain / declare things even for a non skilled person. It is not good to shrink all rules to a format which only work for those who know the discipline perfect. Those know it all anyway but especialy a host often know nothing about some disciplines.

From my opinion all those changes should pass the main committee to see if the change make also sense for non flatlanders :)


But there is already a rule that the judges panel may not change. So that s a rule that already exists somewhere

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