Proposal 69: 14B.2 Unicycles (Maximum wheel size from 618 to 640 mm) [ Revision 1 ]

Committee: Hockey
Submitted on 2017-01-08
Status: Passed on January 21, 2017


Discussions about possible pros of allowing the same size wheel as Basketball suggest that allowing slightly larger wheels could have an overall benefit are unlikely to have negatives.


The pro's of allowing a 640mm tyre

 Enables more participation from new riders who may not have a legal unicycle to take part without modification to their unicycle (even the Nimbus E-Sport 24"" Baskeball unicycle which looks like a decent all round unicycle if you want a 24" is slightly over 618mm

  • May increase participation from Unicycle basketball players as they are unlikely to have a hockey legal tyre and unlikely to swap tyres over to play hockey. Forces them to choose one sport.
  • May enable a league of some type in the future in basketball dominated countries (France) There are a few serious teams in France that I know of, they would struggle to set up a league and draw in more teams/players when most don't have a legal tyre.
  • For the moment it fixes most issues with "legal tyres"
  • 24" wheels are becoming less common in the bike world and with it less tyres. I know the Halo tyre was previously used as a good tyre with legal size however I think this is no longer made. Enabling a larger size enables a greater number of tyres to be sourced.

The cons of allowing a 640mm tyre

  • You are still going to have the problem of having to measure tyres that are near the maximum allowable size.
  • You will have to make a new tyre measurement box
  • Goalies will have more goal covered - yes this is true by a small amount. Everyone will be allowed to use the same size however and the goalie must weigh up the difference in harder to move their wheel quickly vs covering an extra 2cm of goal. Most good shooters should not be affected by the small increase.



Old Rule: Only standard unicycles may be used. The maximum wheel size is 618 mm (24”). The unicycles must not have sharp or protruding parts anywhere that might cause injuries. This refers especially to quick-release levers and bolts. The pedals must be plastic or rubber.

New Rule: Only standard unicycles may be used. The maximum wheel size is 640 mm (24”). The unicycles must not have sharp or protruding parts anywhere that might cause injuries. This refers especially to quick-release levers and bolts. The pedals must be plastic or rubber.







 Note: In line with Proposal 1: Rule 14B.2 Unicycles - Maximum Wheel Size Clarification, it is possible that the wording describing maximum wheel size could change from "OLD: The maximum wheel size is 618 mm (24")" to "NEW: The maximum outer diameter of the wheel is 618 mm)"



THIS PROPOSAL will word itself in line with the unchanged rule with the only change being the SIZE in millimetres of the wheel. If the other proposal should pass the wording describing maximum wheel size will change.



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Votes on this proposal:

7 out of 8 voting members have voted.

Agree: 3, Disagree: 0, Abstain: 4.

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