Proposal 62: Move race distance requirements from "Wheel Size Classes" to the appropriate section in Event Flow [ Revision 1 ]

Committee: Track and Field
Submitted on 2017-01-05
Status: Passed on January 21, 2017


This proposal originates from Discussion #52 "Maximum Wheel Size Clarification". I noticed that the distance of Wheel Walk and Ultimate Wheel are given under "Wheel Size Categories" and nowhere else. This proposal is to move it to where it belongs. No changes in the actual rules are intended, but I did tighten up the wording a little.

By the way, a separate proposal will be (or has been) submitted to replace"Categories" by "Classes".



2B.5 Wheel Size Categories
All riders in age groups with a maximum age of 10 or younger will race a 10m Wheel Walk, and 10m Ultimate Wheel, if used (instead of 30m).

2B.6.5 Wheel Walk Race
(race distance is not addressed)

3B.6.11 Ultimate Wheel Race
... The traditional distance is 10m for 0-10 riders, and 30m for 11-UP riders. ...

= = = = = = =


2B.5 Wheel Size Categories
(delete above sentence)

2B.6.5 Wheel Walk Race
(add at the end) Riders in age groups with a maximum age of 10 or younger will race a 10m Wheel Walk. All other riders will race a 30m Wheel Walk.

3B.6.11 Ultimate Wheel Race
(replace that sentence by) ... Traditionally, for riders in age groups with a maximum age of 10 or younger the race distance is 10m, while for all other riders it is 30m. ...



(Repeated from background)

This proposal originates from Discussion #52 "Maximum Wheel Size Clarification". I noticed that the distance of Wheel Walk and Ultimate Wheel are given under "Wheel Size Categories" but it doesn't belong there. This proposal is to move it to where it belongs. No changes in the actual rules are intended, but I did tighten up the wording a little.

By the way, a separate proposal will be (or has been) submitted to replace"Categories" by "Classes".



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Votes on this proposal:

9 out of 14 voting members have voted.

Agree: 9, Disagree: 0, Abstain: 0.

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