Proposal 33: Route signaling: How, when, and what to do if (even late) changes occur. [ Revision 1 ]
Committee: Muni (including Cyclocross)Submitted on 2016-12-24
Status: Passed on January 11, 2017
Unicon 18 Cross Country has shown that lack of signaling can greatly disturb a race: riders getting lost, final ranking being changed, course becoming dangerous, even races being canceled.
This proposal was dedicated to what could be added in the rulebook in order to make the Cross country race more fair in the sense of avoiding riders to get lost.
OLD, in 5D Event OrganizerRules/5D.1 Venue/5D.1.3 Cross Country:
..."Courses must be clearly marked, so that riders can easily see where to go".
NEW, in a new sub-section named "Route signaling" of chapter 5D.
"Courses must be clearly marked. At each intersection, the right direction must be indicated by at least one of the following ways:
- Way 1 : Painting or chalk marking (Only if authorized by authorities). Arrows showing the direction to take must be drawn 5 to 10 meters before the intersection, at the intersection and 5 to 10 meters after the intersection. Crosses must be drawn on each wrong direction at the intersection and 5 to 10 meters after the intersection.
- Way 2 : Using bands. Small pieces of bands (<1m) are used instead of arrows to show the right way to go. Longer pieces of bands barring the wrong paths over their entire width are used instead of crosses. These bands can lie on the ground if they cannot be hung in the air because of any restriction.
- Way 3 : Using any other clear signaling method. Chipped wood or large signs with printed arrows or crosses are examples. The same spirit of signaling any intersection 5 - 10 meters before, at, and 5 - 10 meters after must be respected, as well as signaling very clearly any wrong direction at the intersection, and 5 - 10 meters after it.
Any element of the route such as ground, trees, rocks, barriers can be used for marking or hanging bands, as long as the result is easily visible and not likely to be erased/removed by the passage of riders or other occupants. If the weather forecast predicts rain, prefer Way 2 or 3 to Way 1. At major intersections, having a volunteer signaling the correct way, in addition to marks or bands, is highly recommended. Any way of signaling can also be used on any long section between intersections, only to confirm riders that they are still on the right track.
If authorized by authorities, an effort must be made to mark the courses a few days before they occur, so riders can practice on it.
Any change in the track from the one given in the website/book must be announced by email as soon as this is known, even if this is a short amount of time before the race. If the change occurs the day of the race, riders must also be told on the start line that there has been a change."
After discussion, this proposal was extended to also apply for Uphills & Downhills as we can expect to have longer Uphills and Downhills in next competitions.
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Votes on this proposal:
15 out of 21 voting members have voted.
Agree: 15, Disagree: 0, Abstain: 0.