14B.7.2 6.5 M Clarification III

This discussion has an associated proposal. View Proposal Details here.

Comments about this discussion:


In contrast to a free shot should a 6.5m executed directly to the goal. In other discussions is the aim to limit the kind of execution of a indirect free shot.

Now we have to clarify the kind of execution of a 6.5m.


A) The same kind of execution as a direct free shot

B) A different kind of execution as a direct free shot, to be worked out

C) In contrast to a free shot a direct 6.5m has no limitation in hitting the ball other than it is not allowed obviously to touch the ball twice.



I believe it is appropriate to have a different allowance for a 6.5 as it is a different type of free shot. Direct vs Indirect.

My opinion is that as it is a scoring play C would be appropriate.


If the others will go for C) "In contrast to a free shot a direct 6.5m has no limitation in hitting the ball other than it is not allowed obviously to touch the ball twice."

Steven, you should prior bring your discussion "14B.7.1 Free Shot Clarification"  with the limitations in executing to proposal otherwise makes "... In contrast to a free shot ..." no sense.


As I already said in an other discussion does the current rulebook say nothing about how a 6.5m is executed. Therefore a clarification of the current rule is in every case necessary.

I vote for A)


Thanks for spotting this, Nicolai! Indeed, everyone is assuming that you
can only make one shot for the 6.5 m but this has never been written
into the rulebook. I suggest to insert one sentence here:



...and not rest on the goal. If no goal is scored,...


...and not rest on the goal. The player executing the 6.5 m may only
touch the ball once. If no goal is scored,...


I also vote for A)


I prefer also option A


The majority is for Option A) The same kind of execution as a direct free shot. Therefore I like to close this discussion "6.5 M Clarification III" because I see no chance for a change prior rulebook 2018.


I agree


Since a majority wants the same kind of execution for a 6.5 m as for a
direct free shot, we can work on a common solution for both in our
discussion "Rule 14B.7.1 Free Shot Clarification".

However, instead of closing this discussion here, I would like to create
the following proposal, adding a sentence to the 6.5 m rule:

"The player executing the 6.5 m may only touch the ball once."


I agree

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