14B.8.2 Riding The Unicycle (Question/Clarification)

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14B.8.2 Riding The Unicycle

The player has to be riding the unicycle freely. He or she may use the stick as support but must not rest on the goal or the wall or something similar. It is not sufficient to release the goal only quickly for the time while the goalkeeper takes part in the game. A short support on the wall to avoid a dismount can be tolerated. A player who is falling off the unicycle may take part in the game until touching the ground. A remounting player must sit on the seat and have both feet on the pedals before participating in the game again. If a player who is not riding a unicycle shoots into their own goal, the advantage rule applies for the attacking team and the goal is valid.


This rule has been a point of discussion in our league. In our league  we rule fairly harshly on the touching the wall rule. In line with the sentence about goalies "It is not sufficient to release the goal only quickly for the time while the goalkeeper takes part in the game" we use something similar for walls. A player can have a "short support on the wall to avoid a dismount" but not while taking part in the play, if they touch the wall while involved in play they are penalised.


  • If they are involved in play (hacking with another player for a ball) and they have to touch the wall to stay up we would rule that as getting an advantage from using the wall (which the other player didnt need) so we would penalise them for using the wall.
  • If they are falling off then use the wall to stay up then take the ball from another player who wasn't using the wall we would count that as getting an advantage over the balanced player and penalise them


When I played games with the Luni's in England they appeared to have no issue with short support on the walls when taking part in play, you would often see one or two players trying to scrap for a ball in a corner and putting their hands on the walls inbetween hacking at the ball with their sticks. This would be penalised in our league.


What does this rule mean to others from other leagues? And is it clear what is not allowed from the wall?


Sorry for starting yet another discussion guys but I wanted clarification of this rule since we cant do it for another 2 years otherwise.



"...they appeared to have no issue with short support on the walls when taking part in play, you would often see one or two players trying to scrap for a ball in a corner and putting their hands on the walls inbetween hacking at the ball with their sticks." This happens to me (I am a not so good unicyclist as other players.) and in the German league as well, but it should´t. "This would be penalised in our league." - and I think you and the strict behaviour in your league are right - I have the same interpretation of these rules. In my opinion it´s >only< a matter of good referring.

Only as an exception it happens: If in a beginner tournament the teams agree that the goalies are allowed to hold a hand at the goal to avoid a dismount. "Before the game the referees explain to the players how strictly they will interpret the rules." (14C.2.5)

In tournament with A- or B-level teams and lower level but advanced teams the referees should stick to the rules without exceptions

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