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Rulebook name: IUF Rulebook Committee 2016

Proposals allowed: true

Subdomain iuf-rulebook-2016

Front page:

This committee has been set up to achieve the following objectives:

  1. To establish the general parameters for setting an Generic Rule (eg measurement, witnesses, documentation)
  2. To establish which rules the IUF will recognise
  3. To establish event-specific rules that the IUF recognises

As they are completed, these proposals will be submitted to the IUF Board for approval. 

Reorganized Rulebook

Over the past year, as decided upon by the IUF Rulebook Committee 2014, Mary and Steve Koehler have reorganized the material in the IUF Rulebook. This reorganized rulebook will be the starting point for all proposals and rule changes. All Rulebook Committee members are required to read the blog post on the IUF website detailing the reorganization process.

The reorganized rulebook can be found here.

All proposals must refer to the section numbers in the reorganized rulebook, and not from IUF Rulebook 2015.

Schedule: (subject to changes)
2 – 4 Months after Unicon – Implement website for rulebook; recruit members
November 1 - Open rulebook committee – start discussion and submit proposals
January 15 – last date to submit a proposal for voting
January 25 – All Proposals and voting concluded
Maximum 1 Month after closing rulebook committee – all proposals applied to the Rulebook and sent to committee and IUF board for formal approval
To follow – editing Rulebook for content. Possible splitting of rulebook.
Finally - publishing the final version on Github and the IUF Website

You can always access this committee by going to (Or by going to the IUF Website, and clicking on Rulebook Committee under the IUF menu.)


Minimum Member requirements:
Must be 16 years of age before first day of the committee.

Voting Member Qualifications:
Competitor, coach/trainer, or judge/official at least during one of the past three Unicons for the Main Committee.
This is also a suggested qualification for the Subcommittees but is not required.

Discussion Member Qualifications:
Preferred competitor, coach/trainer, or judge/official at a Unicon or a National event. Has experience in the area but may not have been able to attend any International or National events.

Maximum Member requirements*:
Any single country cannot have more than 20% of the voting members and 40% of the discussion members of the Rulebook Main Committee.
Any single country cannot have more than 33% of the voting members and 66% of the discussion members of a Rulebook Subcommittee.
* If a country is over their allotted number, the IUF Rulebook Chair and Subcommittee Chairs can decide which members will be the active voting members.

Discussions and Proposals:
It is suggested that all rule ideas start as discussions unless they are already finished ideas and ready for proposal.

All proposals must have these four parts:
Background (describing the high-level reason for the rule change and how it may impact the convention and/or the competition – this should be a very short description);
Original Rule (for reference);
Proposed Rule (the new idea);
Supporting Text (details of why the rule should be changed)
Proposals will be accepted by the committee chair after they are written to these guidelines.

Discussion Members may not submit proposals.
Any ideas for rule changes should be discussed with the committee members and a voting member may then make an official proposal based on the discussion.
Proposals may be changed once submitted and up until the voting begins. All changes to proposals must have at least 3 days of discussion after the change and before voting begins.

A proposal requires a minimum of 50% of voting members to vote on the proposal (yes, no, or abstain) in order for the proposal to pass.

In the main committee, a proposal passes if it receives 2/3rds or more "agree" votes. 

In a subcommittee, a proposal that passes with 2/3rds majority is sent to the main committee where they can approve the rule, or send it back to the subcommittee to fix (or table).

IUF 2016
