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Rulebook name: IUF Rulebook Committee 2025

Proposals allowed: true

Subdomain iuf-rulebook-2025

Front page:

This committee has been set up to establish the IUF rules for competitions.

Schedule: (subject to changes; updated 16-January-2025)
 now to 15 January: emails to prospective subcommittee chairs
 now to 22 January: finalize all subcommittee chairs, members
                    emails to be sent to chairs and members
                    recruit additional members
 March: last day to submit a proposal
 15 April: all proposals must be sent to vote
 now to 15 June: Editing of Rulebook ongoing as Main Committee approves work of subcommittees
30 June: Editing of Rulebook completed; sent to all members for review
    Subcommittee members review their areas.
    IUF Board also starts their review and voting process.
8 July: IUF Board approves Rulebook (one week to review and officially approve).
8 July: New 2025 rulebook published



Member Information

Maximum Member requirements for the committees
   - Any single country cannot have more than 20% of the voting members and 40% of the discussion members of the Rulebook Main Committee.
   - Any single country cannot have more than 33% of the voting members and 66% of the discussion members of a Rulebook Subcommittee.
   - Any country with national federation(s) will provide a list of their voting members for each committee, ranked by preference.  If the federation(s) do not provide a list of their voting members, the places are given to interested people from that county.
The administrator(s)s of the Rulebook, as well as an official IUF representative, are voting members of each sub-committee. However, these are not counted towards the limits of their home country, but towards the IUF. 
* If a country is over their allotted number, the IUF Rulebook Chair and Subcommittee Chairs can decide which members will be the active discussion and voting members.

Minimum Member requirements for individuals:
   - Must be 16 years of age before first day of the committee.

Voting Member Qualifications:
   - Competitor, coach/trainer, or judge/official at least during one of the past three Unicons.
   - Must vote on proposals. If not participate in 2 votes in a row, member will receive a warning and given opportunity to participate once more. Future failures to vote will mean change of status to a discussion member.

Discussion Member Qualifications:
   - Has been a competitor, coach/trainer, and/or judge/official at Unicon, International, or a National event.  

------------ IUF Rulebook 2025
   - Designed to only discuss part of a rulebook.

Age Group Committee: Designed to clarify age groups across all disciplines for Unicons and other events
    Each member must have attended three or more Unicons and has been a director at least once since Unicon 16.  
    All requests are subject to approval.

Main Committee:
  - Each subcommittee chair should be a voting member of this committee;
             - Additional responsibility is to bring to the attention of the members any rule in their subcommittee that may affect the Rulebook as a whole or other subcommittees
   - Responsible for rules in Section 1 of the IUF Rulebook

ach subcommittee has "Discussions" and "Proposals".
   - have no time limit and are designed for general conversation about rule problems and suggestions..

   - Do not need to start as a discussion, although it is strongly recommended.
   - Must have each of these parts:
      ** Title (it's important to make this clear and concise)
      ** Owner (the person who creates a proposal, is filled in automatically)
      ** Background (describes the Why)
      ** Proposal (contains both old and new in one text block)
      ** Body (described the What and How)
      ** References (often left blank, in practice)
   - Chair approves proposals on a timely basis; rejections are immediately shared with the Owner for modifications
   - Review by members is 8 days after Chair approves the proposal.
   - If the proposal is changed, must have 3 days of discussion after change before voting can begin.
   - Owner (or Chair) sets the Proposal to a vote after review period.
   - Voting is 7 days long
   - 50% of the 'voting' members must vote ("yes", "no", or "abstain") so a proposal is not automatically failed
   - To pass a proposal, it needs to receive a 2/3 majority of those who voted.  


IUF 2025
