Rulebook name: IUF Rulebook Committee 2025
Proposals allowed: true
Subdomain iuf-rulebook-2025
Front page:
This committee has been set up to establish the IUF rules for competitions.
emails to be sent to chairs and members
recruit additional members
30 March: last day to submit a proposal
15 April: all proposals must be sent to vote
now to 15 June: Editing of Rulebook ongoing as Main Committee approves work of subcommittees
30 June: Editing of Rulebook completed; sent to all members for review
Subcommittee members review their areas.
IUF Board also starts their review and voting process.
8 July: IUF Board approves Rulebook (one week to review and officially approve).
8 July: New 2025 rulebook published
Member Information
Maximum Member requirements for the committees
- Any single country cannot have more than 20% of the voting members and 40% of the discussion members of the Rulebook Main Committee.
- Any single country cannot have more than 33% of the voting members and 66% of the discussion members of a Rulebook Subcommittee.
- Any country with national federation(s) will provide a list of their voting members for each committee, ranked by preference. If the federation(s) do not provide a list of their voting members, the places are given to interested people from that county.
- The administrator(s)s of the Rulebook, as well as an official IUF representative, are voting members of each sub-committee. However, these are not counted towards the limits of their home country, but towards the IUF.
* If a country is over their allotted number, the IUF Rulebook Chair and Subcommittee Chairs can decide which members will be the active discussion and voting members.
Minimum Member requirements for individuals:
- Must be 16 years of age before first day of the committee.
Voting Member Qualifications:
- Competitor, coach/trainer, or judge/official at least during one of the past three Unicons.
- Must vote on proposals. If not participate in 2 votes in a row, member will receive a warning and given opportunity to participate once more. Future failures to vote will mean change of status to a discussion member.
Discussion Member Qualifications:
- Has been a competitor, coach/trainer, and/or judge/official at Unicon, International, or a National event.
------------ IUF Rulebook 2025
- Designed to only discuss part of a rulebook.
Age Group Committee: Designed to clarify age groups across all disciplines for Unicons and other events
Each member must have attended three or more Unicons and has been a director at least once since Unicon 16.
All requests are subject to approval.
Main Committee:
- Each subcommittee chair should be a voting member of this committee;
- Additional responsibility is to bring to the attention of the members any rule in their subcommittee that may affect the Rulebook as a whole or other subcommittees
- Responsible for rules in Section 1 of the IUF Rulebook
Each subcommittee has "Discussions" and "Proposals".
- have no time limit and are designed for general conversation about rule problems and suggestions..
- Do not need to start as a discussion, although it is strongly recommended.
- Must have each of these parts:
** Title (it's important to make this clear and concise)
** Owner (the person who creates a proposal, is filled in automatically)
** Background (describes the Why)
** Proposal (contains both old and new in one text block)
** Body (described the What and How)
** References (often left blank, in practice)
- Chair approves proposals on a timely basis; rejections are immediately shared with the Owner for modifications
- Review by members is 8 days after Chair approves the proposal.
- If the proposal is changed, must have 3 days of discussion after change before voting can begin.
- Owner (or Chair) sets the Proposal to a vote after review period.
- Voting is 7 days long
- 50% of the 'voting' members must vote ("yes", "no", or "abstain") so a proposal is not automatically failed
- To pass a proposal, it needs to receive a 2/3 majority of those who voted.
IUF 2025