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Rulebook name: USA Rulebook Committee 2020

Proposals allowed: true

Subdomain usa-2020

Front page:

This committee has been set up to edit the IUF Rulebook in order to make it applicable for the Unicycling Society of America and their competitions and events. In order to best align the USA with the IUF, proposals for rule changes should be limited to those that are necessary in order for them to work in the USA. Proposals should not be made for rule changes that are based on personal opinion and have no basis for differing from the IUF. It is the USA's goal to have a rulebook that allows competitors to easily compete within the parameters of national and international competitions without unnecessary and/or confusing discrepancies.

Upon closure of this rulebook committee, the new rulebook will be submitted to the USA Board for approval.
Please familiarize yourself with the IUF Rulebook prior to starting discussion on the committee.

Useful Links

IUF Rulebook
Overview of changes to the IUF Rulebook
Current USA Rulebook



USA 2020
